Beiträge von MaximusRS02

    Hakonzi and Sceptic,
    So first I wanna make sure - that you understand, that I never would ban someone for no reason! If somebody is rushing I first make !msay Rush=Ban/kick then I kick the guys and when they joined the server again - I warnt him also! - And TekToniiik said thats OK !!!
    - And that max. 3 times until I ban him!

    So first to you Hakonzi: I was playing on the server and I saw that you join - the first thing what I heard from you was: HELLO MY FRIENDS AHHHHHHHHH... - I just woundered and thinked about to mute you. But I am not kind of guy, who mutes instantly - so I thinked you come down. - After a few minutes you started to spam the voice chat and finaly you said: Hurensohn nazi... That was the reason, that I have ban you for 5min! - Just a warning! - Then you added me and said, that I´ll lose my Trial Admin instantly, - if you say it to Totenfluch... So finaly I said, - Dont say thi kind of words anymore, or I´ll ban you perm! - And I hope you dont do that again - It doesn´t matter if it was to your friend, because the others felt disturbed cause of this!

    Now Sceptic:

    You have provoked me often on day and I thought you would make fun. Finaly you rusht very often on a map, - and I kicked you 2times - in the hope - that you understand not to rush! After you rejoinded you we´re very angressive to me and said: You can suck my dick! - --- That was the reason that I have ban you perm --- - But I said everyone has a second chance, so you have a ban for a week now -and you´re muted perm!So finaly I hope that will not happen again and you learn - that rushing is not allowed on the respective maps!!!

    LG M@xed