Rules for CS:GO Minigames Server 2
- Minimum age for talking in the voice chat: 16 years
- No cheating/hacking
- No lowrates/pingfake
- No Bugusing
- No mic-spam
- No chat-spam
- The advertising of any company, website or clan as text, voice, nickname or spraytag is strongly forbidden!
- No flaming
- No racist comments or spraytags
- No pornographic spraytags
- No verbal abuse
- No camping
- Always respect the other players
- Follow the instructions of the admins
Play fair
No provocative behavior
The server languages are: German and English
No random votekicks/votemutes
- Do not delay on purpose
- Do not try to hack or attack our servers or players
- No nickname faking
- Do not use the nickname of other players
- dead players are not allowed to reveal the position of the players who are alive in any way!
- Rejoining is strongly forbidden!
- Scamming is strongly forbidden and even the attempt will be punished by a global ban on all our servers!
- On multigames maps, you are not allowed to chose the same modes over and over
- No spawnkilling in any way!
- No knifing on AWP/Scout/Grenades and Headshots-Only maps!
- (MG1) Knifing is not allowed on any game mode except knife only and towermaps(skytower etc.) and rats,dolls !!
- No rushing!
If there are any conflicts, the admins decide what has to be done!