Beiträge von Peter

    Hallo Reapr,
    sind ein paar echt gute Maps dabei, jedoch etwas zu dem zweiten Teil.

    Der Grund , weswegen die Maps nicht gespielt werden sind die Spieler, nicht die Maps selber.
    Es werden permanent nur die gleichen Maps gespielt und keine "neuen" ausprobiert.

    Meiner Meinung nach sind
    gute Maps, die aber einfach nie gespielt werden, da mehr als 50% der Spieler lieber alle 2 Runden dasselbe spielen .. mg_cyber_course, mg_adev zum Beispiel die selber total langweilig sind.

    1. Basic requirements
    2. Information for your application
    3. What needs to be in your application
    4. What can we offer?
    5. Closing words

    To clear some things up, all these things are just basic tips to help you writing your application they don't
    you a spot in our team, but they're putting you in a good position.

    1. Basic requirements

    First of all, a short list with things you need to fulfill to write an application:

    -You are motivated for staying long with the team and the community

    -You are at least 16 years old. (not 15 years and 11 months)

    -You're owner of a working microphone and you're active on our TS³

    -You can pay your membership dues every month until the 5th day of the month (10€)

    -You have enough free time to be apart of us (No details, just show yourselves so we know you're here)

    -You are reliable and trustworthy

    -You know the rules and can apply them useful

    -You are able to keep yourself and others calm in stressful situations

    -You don't exploit your admin "powers" or take advantage of them

    -You involve yourself in our forum (See if there is new stuff, at least 1 time per day)

    -You have spent a certain time on our servers (only apply if you've played a little)

    -You like to work and cooperate in a large team

    2. Information for your application

    For your application please keep an eye on your spelling and try to make spelling mistakes as little as possible.
    We dont expect an excellent and perfect application, but too many spelling mistakes
    could lead to a rather
    bad impression for us admins and you got "no-votes" before the application was even read to the end.

    You should structure your application neatly and good to read as well as choosing a suitable title*
    to post it into the right thread. (Where this thread is in)

    *What should your title contain?

    At first you should know which server you want to be admin on.

    For example: Deathrun, Miningames 1, Minigames 2 ... etc; CS:GO in generell, CS:S in generell

    The selection of the server or the servers play a crucial role in your application.
    If we only see you playing on the deathrun server, but you want to be admin of CS:GO in generell
    it will lower your chances massively.

    Now you hopefully know exactly what you want!
    Name your thread something like "<Name>'s application for the <Server you want to be admin on>".
    More creativity in your title is good but not necessary.

    3. What needs to be in your application?

    --> generell things

    Please give your application a good structure as already mentioned above.

    Don't write everything at once, but think of a good way to
    present your points.
    A classic "beginning, bulk, ending" is recommendable and often used.
    Writing block texts leaves a bad impression and takes the "fun" at reading an application.

    Please don't tell us that you're playing on our servers for 20 hours a day etc.
    We dont want that you neglect your social-/reallife because of being part in our community.

    Important: Don't ever give us false information about yourself like name, first name ,age etc.

    --> What do we want to know?

    Your application should grant us a good impression of yourself, who you are, what you've done ... etc.
    So you should take your time and pay attention to how you present yourself.
    We also want to know how we can imagine you as admin of our community, if you make it through.

    Anyway realize, that you won't be "chef" from your first minute as admin, so don't praise yourself too high
    in front of others and yourself.

    ----------> check list

    (what shouldn't be left out in your application)

    * Who are you?

    -What is your name?, Where are you from?,How old are you?,What is your job?

    * Describe your character

    * Have you done something in a social area? e.g lead a group?,worked with a lot of people? ... etc.

    * Why do you want to join our team?

    * Have you been apart of our team before? If so, what were you?

    * How do you estimate your dealing with other people?

    4. What do we offer you?

    -a stable & growing community

    -a good & friendly admin team

    -stable & powerful server

    -credits for admins, who involve themselves + an admin skin

    -admin rights on our servers

    -a 24/7 online teamspeak³ server

    -a structured forum

    5. Closing words

    If you've indeed read until here, congratulations!
    You are one step closer to be admin.

    Now , after you somewhat know what we expect from you, you can start writing your application!

    We wish you best of luck with your application and if you fail once, don't worry .. you can try
    again in a couple of months!

    greetings, your GGC-Team~

    Falsche Tatsachen?

    TriXore:Achja ich wollte noch melden das Manuska ja vor ca 3-4 monaten neu aufm
    server gekommen ist und ich mal gesagt habe das man den voice - chat
    erst ab 16 nutzen darf aufm dem server versteht und er(Manuska) meinte
    dann darf ich auch nicht reden denn ich bin 14 und er hatte ja vor
    kurzem geburtstag und da hab ich mich gewundert warum er denn auf einmal
    16 ist??

    Stimmt, da war was


    hinzugefügt: (MG1)Bei allen Spielmodi außer only knife, sowie auf den Towermaps(skytower usw.) u. dolls,rats ist Knifen Verboten !!

    Guten Tag Kalle,
    Erstmal Danke für den Vorschlag ..
    Wie du wahrscheinlich weißt, gibt es bei den Spielmodi APW/Scout/OnlyHs schon die Regel, dass das Messer nicht benutzt werden darf.
    Ganz aus dem Spiel nehmen wollen wir das Messer aber nicht, da es eben auch dazu gehört, jedoch finde ich das Messern in solchen Spielen auch nicht gut.
    Ich denke wir werden uns beraten und das Ergebnis hier bescheid geben.


    Lieber Christian/Totenfluch,

    Ich denke, dass ich für alle anderen Admins spreche, wenn ich sage, dass du uns sehr fehlen wirst sowohl als Head Admin, als auch Diktator(Kappa).
    Es war sehr schön zu sehen, wie deine Anfänge in der Community waren und es mit meinen eigenen zu vergleichen, vielleicht ja sogar parallelen zu entdecken.
    Die Lücke wird schwer zu füllen sein, da man nicht jeden Tag auf jemanden wie dich trifft und ich kann mir GGC ohne Totenfluch gar nicht vorstellen kann.
    Natürlich finde ich es schade , aber ich respektiere deine Entscheidung dich auf dein Studium zu konzentrieren und wünsche dir dabei viel Glück und Erfolg.
    farewell ~

    lg der Pedder