Best FPS Guide For csgo 2018 Increase FPS By 30%-70% !
Before we
start this i will say that this optimized my gaming experience in csgo
after the update my fps drop to 140-80 and now i have 300+fps
Csgo Fps boost 2019
Best FPS Guide For csgo 2019 Increase FPS By 30%-70% !
we start this i will say that this optimized my gaming experience in
csgo after the update my fps drop to 140-80 and now i have 300+fps
optimize your windows for gaming
[Blockierte Grafik:]
1- Open the windows menu , then search for ''Run'' and type the followings
[Blockierte Grafik:]
2- type ''prefetch'' and delete all files
3- type ''temp'' and delete all files
4- type ''%temp%'' and delete all files
Don't Worry ! those files all are files that your PC don't need! and
they affect PC speed ,deleting them will give you some speed.
[Blockierte Grafik:]
''This is really good to force all your cores to run and work effectively instead of only 1 core''
go to the services tab and check ''Hide all Microsoft services'' and
then uncheck any service you dont need like google updater or adobe
updater , anything that you can do manually after
-Finally go to
startup Tab , if you are on windows 10 it will redirect you to task
manager but it won't matter anyway , uncheck any program than runs on
windows startup and you don't actually need it for example i disabled
Twich ,discord and other softwares that i don't need.
6-type in windows menu , this pc or computer and right click it and click properties
7-click on advanced system settings
8- go to the advanced tab and click on settings , next to the peformance tab
on adjust for best performance , now you can adjust and check any box
that you want it to stay the same like font or the mouse shadow , all
those have impact on windows performance and will effect it's speed
Nividia settings '' Only Work For Nividia users
[Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:]Nividia settings '' Only Work For Nividia users !
click on desktop and choose nivida control panel or just search for it
if you don't have it ,it probably means your graphic card driver is
2-click on manage 3d settings
3-global setting , go all the way down to vsynic and switch it to ''USE 3D APPLICATION
tabs and go to program settings , and choose tsl game or pubg , if u
don't find it just click on the add tab and add it your self
5-apply all the settings above , it will make your game much faster and much more smooth
6- Max pre-rendered frames (1)
Triple buffering ''OFF''
Vertical Sync ''OFF''
Power management Mode '' Prefer Maximum performance''
anti aliasing FXAA ''OFF
Shadercache '' ON"
anti aliasing transparency ''OFF
csgo config / settings
this config and paste it in this path C:\Program Files
(x86)\Steam\userdata\ ( your steam account file ) \ 730\ local
Download config here []
CS:GO Video Settings
[Blockierte Grafik:]
- Brightness
this to spot enemies in darker places. The exact value depends on your
monitor and windows settings. Feel free to use a setting that you
personally feel most comfortable with. A good spot to check your
brightness levels is the dark corner on bomb spot B on de_inferno.
- Laptop power savings
Keep this disables or your FPS will take a massive hit.
-Global shadow quality
This one is debateable but we like to keep this on HIGH to help spot enemies shadows. Turn to low to increase FPS if necessary.
-Effect Detail
effect detail higher than low has no advantages other than seeing
better through molotovs. Only up it if your PC can handle a big fps hit.
-Shader Detail
From a competitivie point of view there is no upside to keeping this higher than LOW. We want FPS so keep it there.
-Multicore Rendering
Keep this enabled to allow CS to use more than one core of your processor.
-FXAA Anti-Aliasing
Causes input lag and makes the game not look as crisp and clear. We keep this disabled for better FPS.
-Wait for Vertical Sync
Sync helps with screen tearing issues but adds a form lag if turned on
due to applying some form of buffer. Also locks your fps to the refresh
rate of your monitor. Keep this disabled unless you get noticable screen
-Motion Blur
Adds a blur motion to your fast crosshair movements, which restricts your ability to notice enemies. Keep it disabled.
Launch Options
[Blockierte Grafik:]
set your launch options go into your steam library, right click on
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -> properties -> set launch
options and copy paste the following:
( +fps_max 0 -novid )