Beiträge von Sxmpi

    English (quick translation; update if necessary)

    - Name of the bug
    - Server on which the bug occurs
    - Short description of the problem
    - Link to the forumpost
    - Status (in progress, open, fixed, not fixable)

    Bug reports

    Name: Sounds deactivated
    Server: all
    Description: Various sounds, as g6, free, ameno etc. can not be played.
    Link: *click me*
    Status: not fixable

    Name: Spawndeath with playerskins
    Server: MG1 and MG2
    Description: Spawndeath with a playerskin equipped.
    Link: *click me*
    Status: fixed

    Name: Immobile Pets
    Server: MG2
    Description: The pets animation do not work.
    Link: -
    Status: open

    Name: Sprays are not working
    Server: MG2
    Description: The sprays you can buy in the shop have no function.
    Linking: -
    Status: open

    Name: Lifesavior bug
    Server: MG2
    Description: With lifesavior equipped, you do not spawn at the last place you stood, instead you spawn at the beginning.
    Link: -
    Status: in progress

    Name: Server Lags
    Server: MG2
    Description: When people join, respawn, or even collect a gift, the server lags.
    Link: -
    Status: open

    Name: BHop Script Messages
    Server: MG1
    Description: BHop Script causes messages from the anticheating system.
    Link: *click me*
    Status: fixed

    Name: Phoenix Ground flies
    Server: MG2
    Description: The pet Phoenix Ground flies and is not, as the name says, on the ground.
    Link: -
    Status: open

    Name: Death clouds
    Server: MG2
    Description: The death clouds that have been spawned after death no longer spawn or are simply no longer visible.
    Link: -
    Status: open

    Name: Blue Deadpool Playerskin
    Server: MG2
    Description: The playerskin Blue Deadpool can not be seen by some players.
    Link: -
    Status: open

    Name: Black Splashes Trail
    Server: MG2
    Description: The trail "Splashes" is black. As seen in the following picture (link).
    Link: *click me*
    Status: open

    Name: Creditbug
    Server: MG1 + MG2
    Description: You get randomly credits at the end of a map and on some maps you get the final credits right at the beginning.
    Link: *click me*
    Status: open

    Name: Wingbug
    Server: MG2
    Description: Deadpool Skin + Wings = Wings in the Ground, Normal Skin + Wings = Wings normal + Pet in the Air
    Link: *click me*
    Status: open

    Hey, habe mir die zwei Rainbow trails gekauft und anscheinend funktionieren die nicht. Vielleicht sind es mehr als nur die zwei, jedoch konnte ich mir nur die leisten. Außerdem lassen sich diese mit anderen trails kombinieren. Die Bilder zeigen das Ganze nochmal besser.

    In addition to that, spawns are messed up aswell. The map was mg_icecavern_course_v2.

    Even 12 hours is a lot, because if the player completes his maps, you need to wait, and people always casually play the same maps, which does not lead you to farm anything

    "People"? It's just you lol. But 12h should be fair enough.

    I'm with Starwick. Die Maps auf extreme zu setzen (sprich 1000-1500 Credits) gibt den Spielern einen Ansporn die Maps auch mal zu beenden. Hierbei sollte man aber darauf achten, dass nicht zu viele Maps auf extreme gesetzt werden.

    Apropos Veränderung: Slope z.B. könnte man dann auch very low (25 Credits) setzen, tbh.

    sampi mein englisch wird hier nicht bewertet sondern der Vorschlag

    Fühl dich doch nicht direkt angegriffen :00009079:

    Ich will ehrlich sein, ansich hab ich gegen die Idee überhaupt nichts, jedoch sehe ich keine Verwendung dafür.
    Wenn mal über 15 Spieler aufem Server sind, ist zu 99% ein Admin auch von der Partie.

    Und wenn man mal stirbt kann man ja auch mal warten und einfach mal zugucken. Man Lernt nie aus, man kann immer von anderen Leuten lernen wie die die Maps machen
    und wie man sich verbessern kann etc.

    Ich würde sagen, dann liegt die Entscheidung bei Totenfluch/Physicus. Nützlich, aber nicht notwendige Funktion.

    But there is a single limitation that would need to be implemented:

    - Once everyone that did not use a respawn or has not yet finished the map is dead, you get killed too.

    prevents long - and unfair - waiting times for other players.

    If coded correctly, this would be an useful feature tbh.
    For those who don't understand english:
    - Sobald jeder, der seinen Respawn nicht benutzt hat oder die Map nicht vollendet hat, tot ist, stirbst du auch.

    Waste of time not needed and i dont like the idea of it since it gives enough online Admins which use admin respawn often for the Community ;)

    1A Englisch :thumbup:

    I don't feel like this is necessary, especially since VIP Lifesaver already exists and gives you an extra chance. If you ask me, this would only lead to longer rounds and longer waiting for those who can't afford it. this combined with lifesaver would give you 2 extra respawns and I feel like rounds would take forever then.

    Lifesaver is definitely not the same. This allows you to redo a specific part you failed before. The personal respawn gives you a chance to respawn, when all three srespawns are used and some people are still living. The fact, that you get killed, whenever those people living finished the map, even reduces the time spend at each round.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Hey, Sompi here,

    there is always an srespawn waste going on when there are many people on the server.
    So I've came to the idea of a personal respawn, which is quite similar to /vipstp. You can respawn yourself once per map. Maybe included to vip or an extra thing in Stammfeatures.

    Tell me what you think. Sompi

    Hey, Sompi here,

    I've noticed that some giftboxes are either unreachable (the room in mg_parish for example) or can't be picked up without not getting killed (mikis the last part for instance).
    Manu already told me that you guys have to clear all of those spawns before replacing them. But it'd be awesome when there are correct and wise spawns for the giftboxes.


    PS, I don't like to discuss.