I want to unban my account i got free ban permanent and i don't know how to unban 2 # minigames BHOP padidinti serverio http://bans.ggc-base.de/index.…&searchText=Kybab&Submit=
I get ban
- Kybab
- Geschlossen
@TekToniiik hf
you got banned for scam attempt on the 30.03.16 19:31.
free ban permanent
you got a steam trading ban too.
no unban
btw if you join with a smurf or second account you get a perm ban too.
[Blockierte Grafik: https://puu.sh/s0zcW/a2efd06a88.png][Blockierte Grafik: https://puu.sh/s0zdg/bb5a83fb14.png]
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